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Bee Time Alone

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Psalms 9 - Our Mighty God

I will give {you} thanks, O Lord, with all my heart.
I will tell about all the miracles you have done.
2 I will find joy and be glad about you.
I will make music to praise your name, O Most High.
Psalms 9:1-2 (GW)

17 Wicked people, all the nations who forget God,
will return to the grave.
18 Needy people will not always be forgotten.
Nor will the hope of oppressed people be lost forever.
Psalms 9:17-18 (GW)

Reflection of B:

As I read the above passage, I thought about those 23 Christians who were taken hostage by the Talebans. I wished they remember this Psalm even in the midst of their trial for God's sake. One of them were already killed at the time of this devotion, but I pray that the rest will stay strong and give thanks to God in all these, just like King David did in his trials.

Dear Lord,
I want to pray for the 22 brothers and sisters who were taken hostage now. I pray for strength, peace, joy and love even in the midst of such testing. I pray that they will not be fearful but know who their God is. I pray that their faith in You will be strong and that it will not waver. May Your mighty hands be in control of the whole situation and watch over Your children. May Your love and peace be with them, Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Psalms 8 - Majestic Name

1 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth!
Your glory is sung above the heavens.
Psalms 8:1 (GW)

3 When I look at your heavens,
the creation of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have set in place—
4 what is a mortal that you remember him
or the Son of Man that you take care of him?
Psalms 8:3-4 (GW)

Reflection of B:

When I read the opening verse of this Psalm, I was filled with awe in my heart for God. His name is so majestic, yet many times we fail to see it till we go and look at His creations, the stars and the heavens. Then we realize how small and insignificant we are, yet He takes note of us. Praise the Lord!

Dear Lord,
I just want to thank You for taking note of me, such an insignificant being who always make You sad. Yet you loved me so much as to die on the cross for me. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for doing a great work in my life. Praise You Lord!
In Your holy name I give You thanks. Amen.

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Psalms 6 and 7 - When We lost God

4 Come back, O Lord.
Rescue me.
Save me because of your mercy!
5 In death, no one remembers you.
In the grave, who praises you?
Psalms 6:4-5 (GW)

9 The Lord has heard my plea for mercy.
The Lord accepts my prayer.
Psalms 6:9 (GW)

10 My shield is God above,
who saves those whose motives are decent.
Psalms 7:10 (GW)

Reflection of B:

In King David's sorrows he felt as if God had left him. He pleaded with God to come back to him, declaring His mercy and protection.

Sometimes we also experience such feeling when God seems far away. Yet we need to learn from King David to ask God to come back to us in His mercy and trust in His unfailing love. We need to know the God we have, that He will protect us from all harms. We may feel that we have lost him like how a child would have felt when playing hide and seek. But in actual fact, God is always there waiting for us to seek Him.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for coming back to me time and again when I felt I have lost you. Thank You that You have kept me through my trials in your mercy. Let me be in Your presence all my life.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Psalms 5 - Praying Effectively

2 Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God,
because I pray only to you.
3 In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice.
In the morning I lay my needs in front of you,
and I wait.
Psalms 5:2-3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Very often we may pray without earnestness and we may not have the patience to wait for God's reply. We need to learn from David to be transparent with God in baring our heart to Him. We can learn from King David how to pray effectively.
  • He prayed with passion, knowing that God is his only God.
  • He prayed in the morning.
  • He laid all his needs before God.
  • He waited for God to answer.

Dear Lord,
Help to seek You in the morning and not just at night, so that You can guide me in my path for the day and to be in Your perfect will all the time. I commit my sisters in Christ to You, that they may be encouraged by the things I say and do, that they may grow closer to You each day.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Psalms 4 - Peaceful Sleep

5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness
by trusting the Lord.
Psalms 4:5 (GW)

8 I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down
because you alone, O Lord, enable me to live securely.
Psalms 4:8 (GW)

Reflection of B:

When we trust God, we are offering "sacrifices of righteousness". Why? Because Paul said "the righteous shall live by faith". Faith and righteousness is interlinked.

When we have faith in God, we can sleep peacefully as we feel secured and not having to worry too much.

Dear Lord,
Thank you that I can trust in You because You never failed me. Thank You that I can feel secured in Your arms and sleep peacefully. I commit all the things in my mind into Your hands and ask that You will take care of them.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Psalms 2 and 3 - Prayer of Faith

8 Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance
and the ends of the earth as your own possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter.
You will smash them to pieces like pottery.”
Psalms 2:8-9 (GW)

4 I call aloud to the Lord,
and he answers me from his holy mountain. Selah
5 I lie down and sleep.
I wake up again because the Lord continues to support me.
6 I am not afraid of the tens of thousands
who have taken positions against me on all sides.
Psalms 3:4-6 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Although Chpt 2 was referring to Christ, it is also a principle for Christians to learn to ask God for the right things by faith. Chpt 3:4 confirms that when we call on God He will answer us. Calling on God is praying to Him.

We are able to have peaceful sleep because we can be sure of God's support. Therefore, we are not afraid of anyone who may come against us. This is a timely message for me as I am facing some obstacles in forming the sisters ministry.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for reminding me that when I call on You and You will hear me. I thank You that no one can come against me when I am in Your will. Continue to keep me and my sisters strong in You as we go through the process of forming the sisters group. Help us not to feel discouraged by these setbacks. Grant us wisdom to speak the right words. Pray also that the leaders will support our desire to serve You.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Psalms 1 - The Blessed Person

1 Blessed is the person who does not
follow the advice of wicked people,
take the path of sinners,
or join the company of mockers.
2 Rather, he delights in the teachings of the Lord
and reflects on his teachings day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted beside streams—
a tree that produces fruit in season
and whose leaves do not wither.
He succeeds in everything he does.[1]
Psalms 1:1-3 (GW)

6 The Lord knows the way of righteous people,
but the way of wicked people will end.
Psalms 1:6 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Who is a blessed person? The one who delights in God's word constantly (day and night).

How is a blessed person like? He/She is very stable and strong, even in the midst of trials, just like a tree besides the stream.

Yes, God knows the path of the righteous ones. He watches over them and lift them up again and again when they fall.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your encouragement for me tonight. Though I was very discouraged just now, You have encouraged me through my sisters in Christ and through Your words tonight. Praise You that I shall stand firm despite of some setback. Hand my hands and lead me on to Your promised land. I pray for my sisters in Christ too, that You will keep them strong in You.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Job 42 - Truth About God

24 Jul 07

1 Then Job answered the Lord,
2 “I know that you can do everything
and that your plans are unstoppable.
3 “{You said,} ‘Who is this that belittles my advice
without having any knowledge {about it}?'
Yes, I have stated things I didn't understand,
things too mysterious for me to know.
6 That is why I take back what I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show that I am sorry.”
Job 42:1-6 (GW)

7 After the Lord had said those things to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz from Teman, “I'm very angry with you and your two friends because you didn't speak what is right about me as my servant Job has done.
Job 42:7 (GW)

12 The Lord blessed the latter years of Job's life more than the earlier years.
Job 42:12 (GW)

Reflection of B:

As I read the earlier chapters of Job I wondered what was so special about Job that God blessed him at the end more than what he had before. I guess the secret lies in Job's willingness to confess his ignorance and showed repentance when he realized his mistakes (v3,4). God commented that Job spoke right about Him.

What did Job speak right? Job said God could do anything He wants and no want can stop Him (v1,2) unlike his 3 friends who thought that God is restricted in doing things in a certain way.

What I learned here is that God's ways and thoughts are always higher than ours and more than we could comprehend. Therefore, in all situations we need to trust that He will works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Dear Lord,
You are so wonderful and marvelous. Your plan is perfect and Your ways are wise. Forgive me for times that I may forget this truth and became as ignorant as Job did. I ask for Your forgiveness and teach me to always remember to trust in You in all situations.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Job 40 and 41- Insignificance of Man

23 Jul 07

1 The Lord responded to Job,
2 “Will the person who finds fault with the Almighty correct him?
Will the person who argues with God answer him?”

3 Job answered the Lord,
4 “I'm so insignificant. How can I answer you?
I will put my hand over my mouth.
5 I spoke once, but I can't answer—
twice, but not again.”
Job 40:1-5 (GW)

Reflection of B:

This is a birthday message for me and I like it. :)

It must be very intimidating for Job to be questioned by God. Job felt so insignificant before the Lord that he won't dare to speak. Yes, should God speak to us in an audible voice we might feel just like how Job felt. Yet it is really an honour for Job that God was willing to speak to him. I would feel that way if I have a chance to hear God's audible voice.

However, God usually does not speak to us in an audible voice but in a quiet way in our heart. We need to be humble to listen to His voice instead of challenging what He says. We need to know that we are insignificant in this universe, yet significant to God because He chose us to be so.
The significance of man is that he is
that part of the universe that asks the
question, What is the significance of
Man? He alone can stand apart imaginatively
and, regarding himself and the universe
in their eternal aspects, pronounce a
judgement: The significance of man is
that he is insignificant and is aware
of it.

-Carl Lotus Becker,
Progress and Power, 1935

Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your voice speaking to my heart so many times and guide me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You for not leaving me alone when I sinned against You but instead cause me to repent and do what is right. Thank You that though I am so insignificant yet You have chosen to love me. May You continue to guide me in my life and my service for You.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Job 39 - God Knows His Creatures More Than Us

22 Jul 07

1 “Do you know the time when the mountain goats give birth?
Do you watch the does when they are in labor?
Job 39:1 (GW)

26 “Does your understanding make a bird of prey fly
and spread its wings toward the south?
Job 39:26 (GW)

Reflection of B:

God showed Job that He is the creator of all creatures and that no one know them better than Him. Yes, even when I look at the tiniest ants I marvel at the greatness and creativity of God. There are so many things that we don't know. Only God knows His creations, including us, thoroughly.

Dear Lord,
No one can be as creative as You are. You are our creator and You know us many more times than we know ourselves. Tonight, I want commit my life to You again. Help me to trust in You in all situations.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Job 38 - God Spoke

21 Jul 07

1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm.

2 “Who is this that belittles my advice
with words that do not show any knowledge {about it}?
3 Brace yourself like a man!
I will ask you, and you will teach me.
Job 38:1-3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Finally, God decided to speak and showed the ignorance of Job's friends. No one can comprehend the mightiness of God. He showed the foolishness of Job's three friends in trying to think that they know everything about Him.

How will we feel if God chooses to speak to us in an audible voice? We may faint. Who can stand the presence of God? I guess I will tremble before Him in awe.

When God form the earth and heavens, we were not enough made.It will be foolish for us to think ways or thoughts are higher or better than God's. Didn't we always make such a mistake? We tend to look at people, things and situations in our our view and not asking God about His view.

Dear Lord,
How foolish I can be too at times in thinking that my problems are too big for You to solve or my burden too heavy for You to bear. Tonight I want to commit my life, my service in the Church and my work into Your hand. I pray that You will grant me the concentration to do my deal in these areas of my life.
In Your might name I pray. Amen.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Job 36 and37 - God's Ways

20 Jul 07
1 Elihu continued to speak {to Job},
2 “Be patient with me a little longer, and I will show you
that there is more to be said in God's defense.
3 I will get my knowledge from far away
and prove that my Creator is fair.
Job 36:1-3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Elihu continued to tell Job about God's ways of doing things. They sounded very logical, yet He did not know that there are exceptions to the rules. Aren't we also tend to have such assumption as Elihu? Sometimes, we feel that God's ways of doing things are confined to a certain mould. We need to be more discerning in recognizing God's way's.

Dear Lord,
Thank You again for teaching me to be discerning in perceiving things and people. Let me not put You into a mould. Your ways are always higher than mine. Open my spiritual eyes to see what You want me to do to be in Your will.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Job 35 - Who Knows God Better?

19 Jul 07
Elihu thought he knew God better and said ,
“Surely, God doesn't listen to idle complaints.
The Almighty doesn't even pay attention to them.
Job 35:13 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Is this statement correct about our God of love who is willing to die for our sins? Sometimes we may equally be quality of not fully understanding who our God is and tried to play God.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your reminder to truly know who You are and not to misrepresent You to others. Guide my mouth to speak what's right.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Job 34 - Don't Be Quick to Judge

18 Jul 07
34 “People of understanding, the wise people
who listen to me, will say,
35 ‘Job speaks without knowledge.
His words show no insight.'

36 “My Father, let Job be thoroughly tested
for giving answers like wicked people do.
37 He adds disobedience to his sin.
He claps his hands to insult us.
He multiplies his words against God.”
Job 34:34-37 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Elihu continued to said that Job should not be saying that God is not fair to him. How did Elihu know? He isn't Job and didn't go through the sufferings Job did.

This is a reminder for us to be less judgmental on what people say when they are suffering. Only God could dispute what the person say.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for reminding me never to be too quick to judge others. Instead, I should be praying for them.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Job 32 and 33 - Defending God?

17 Jul 07
1 These three men stopped answering Job because Job thought he was righteous. 2 Then Elihu, son of Barachel, a descendant of Buz from the family of Ram, became very angry with Job because Job thought he was more righteous than God. 3 Elihu was also very angry with Job's three friends because they had found no answer. They made it look as if God were wrong. 4 Elihu waited as they spoke to Job because they were older than he was. 5 When Elihu saw that the three men had no further responses, he became very angry.
Job 32:1-5 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Elihu was angry with everyone and begin to speak after keeping quiet for awhile. Sometimes we also felt the same way as Elihu when we felt that God has been accused. We become quick to defend God. Does God need us to defend Him? All we can do is pray for a receptive heart and open mind instead.

Dear Lord,
Teach me to know how to react when people do not believe in You or blame You for things that happen to them. Grant me wisdom and love in dealing with such people.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Job 31 - My Integrity

16 Jul 07

1 “I have made an agreement with my eyes.
Then how can I look with lust at a virgin?
2 What would God above do {to me}?
What would be my inheritance from the Almighty on high?
3 Aren't there catastrophes for wicked people
and disasters for those who do wrong?
4 Doesn't he see my ways
and count all my steps?

5 “If I have walked with lies
or my feet have run after deception,
6 {then} let God weigh me on honest scales,
and he will know I have integrity.

7 “If my steps have left the {proper} path,
or my heart has followed {the desire of} my eyes,
or my hands are stained {with sin},
8 {then} let someone else eat what I have planted,
and let my crops be uprooted.

9 “If I have been seduced by a woman
or I have secretly waited near my neighbor's door,
10 {then} let my wife grind for another {man},
and let other {men} kneel over her.
Job 31:1-10 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job insisted on his innocence and integrity, that he did no wrong to anyone. Job guard is eyes and is resolved in his heart not to lust after a woman, or face the consequences.

Our eyes are the ones that usually caused us to sin and fall. We have to keep them under control to keep our integrity. When we did no wrong we can have the boldness to speak up no matter how others may accuse us.

Dear Lord,
I pray that I will always live rightly before You s that I have boldness regardless of what others think of me. Keep me waling in the light always.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Job 30 - Be Honest With God

15 Jul 07
20 “I call to you for help,
but you don't answer me.
I stand up, but you just look at me.
Job 30:20 (GW)

31 So my lyre is used for mourning
and my flute for loud weeping.
Job 30:31 (GW)

Reflection of B:

As Job went through his sufferings and wondered if God was still with him. He honestly question God.

That will be true for us too if we were to suffer like Job did. We may wonder and become doubtful at times. That's just being human and natural. Thank God that He is One whom we can be honest about our feelings.

Dear Lord,
It's nothing wrong in being honest with You about our sufferings and doubts. You know how we feel even before we utter any words. Thank You that we don't have to be 'tough' before You but be ourselves. For You despise us not.
Thank You in Jesus' name. Amen.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Job 28 and 29 - Recalling The Pasts

14 Jul 07
28 .... ‘The fear of the Lord is wisdom! To stay away from evil is understanding.'”
Job 28:28 (GW)

2 “If only my life could be like it used to be,
in the days when God watched over me,
3 when he made his lamp shine on my head,
when I walked through the dark in his light.
Job 29:2-3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job's conclusion on his dialogue with his friends is that, when a person fears God he would have wisdom and understanding. Job also recalled his glorious pasts and wished he could rewind his life.

Many times, we too wished our life could be as in the pasts, especially when we are unhappy with our present condition. Yet Paul said that we should forget the pasts and pressed forward to the high calling of God instead. Fond memories should help us be a even better person and not pull us backward.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for all the experiences I have in my life... some sweet, some sour, some plain. But they are there to help in my growing and learning process. I pray that I will not dwell in the pasts, whether they be successes or failures. Help me to move on to be what You want me to be and to fulfill the purpose You have for me.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Job 27 - A Clear Conscience

13 Jul 07
5 It's unthinkable for me to admit that you are right.
Until I breathe my last breath, I will never give up my claim of integrity.
6 I cling to my righteousness and won't let go.
My conscience won't accuse me as long as I live.
Job 27:5-6 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job maintained his integrity though his 3 friends continued to accuse him of sinning that resulted in his sufferings.

We need to hold fast our integrity if there is nothing for us to hide or to be ashamed of. God will be our judge and avenge us in His time.

In my past workplace, I had been accused before too. But God has always seen me through and bless me even more when I don't take vengeance into my own hands, but leave it to God.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for always being a fair judge and will always take the wrong doers to justice in Your time.
Praise You in Jesus' name. Amen.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Job 26 - Head Knowledge Puffs Up

1 Then Job replied {to his friends},
2 “You have helped the person who has no power
and saved the arm that isn't strong.
3 You have advised the person who has no wisdom
and offered so much assistance.
4 To whom have you spoken {these} words,
and whose spirit has spoken through you?
Job 26:1-4 (GW)

Reflection of B:

We know about the greatness of God but do we really know God?

Head knowledge only puffs up if there is no love when we share our knowledge. In the case of Job, he felt his friends dumping all the theologies about God on him and not offering him anything good.
"If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Dear Lord,
Teach me to speak with love all the time whenever I share about You with others.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Job 24 and Job 25 Don't Be Quick To Speak

1 “Why doesn't the Almighty set aside times {for punishment}?
Why don't those who are close to him see his days {of judgment}?
Job 24:1 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job continued to wonder why the wicked prosper and Bildad continued to reply without actually answering Job's questions.

It can be quite frustrating when someone tried to 'counsel' us without helping in anyway. It will be seen as being arrogant and insensitive.

Dear Lord,
Teach me to be humble and offer my listening ears, instead of being too quick to give advices. Give me wisdom to speak the right words at the right time.
In Your mighty name I pray. Amen.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Job 23 Searching For God

3 “If only I knew where I could find God!
I would go where he lives.
Job 23:3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

With each accusation from his friend, Job started to wonder why God didn't come to his defense. We too feel that way, when God is silent when we are being accused. We may think that God has deserted us.

Dear Lord,
I too felt the way Job did at times. Yet You would show me that You care in one way or another when I became too overwhelmed. Your small still voice would comfort me. Thank You for keeping me thus far.
In Jesus' name thank You. Amen.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Job 22 - Pointing Fingers

5 “Aren't you really very wicked?
Is there no end to your wrongdoing?
Job 22:5 (GW)

Reflection of B:

The accusation of Job's friend, Eliphaz, got stronger each time and calling him "very wicked".

As a third party reading what Eliphaz did to Job I felt a sense of injustice and anger with Eliphaz. However, I could be as guilty as him if I point a finger at someone when things in the Church didn't go well. Who am I to judge who is at fault? Only God knows. Instead of pointing an accusing finger, I should be praying more for God's mercy and grace for each member, especially the leaders.

Dear Lord,
Forgive me for the times I tend to judge certain leaders in the church when things don't go well the way it should be. There could be lots of reasons behind it and we need Your grace, mercy and discerning spirit to do what is right. Instead of murmuring, I should be on my knees to intercede for our leaders. Thank You for this revelation tonight.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Job 20 and 21 - Will You Listen?

1 Then Job replied {to his friends},
2 “Listen carefully to my words,
and let that be the comfort you offer me.
3 Bear with me while I speak.
Then after I've spoken, you may go on mocking.
Job 21:1-3 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Zophar, friend of Job, again gave a long list of reasonings and assumptions as to why Job had to go through those sufferings.

Job answered Zophar and requested for him to listen instead. In time like that, one only needs comforting words and not words of accusation or lots of theoretical argument.

Dear Lord,
Thank You that through the life of Job, I learned to be less critical and be more comforting towards the sufferers, even if it seems that they are being 'punished' for their 'wrong doings'. May You grant me wisdom to speak the right words always.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Job 19 - Where Are My Friends?

1 Then Job replied {to his friends},
2 “How long will you torment me
and depress me with words?
3 You have insulted me ten times now.
You're not even ashamed of mistreating me.
4 Even if it were true that I've made a mistake without realizing it,
my mistake would affect only me.
5 If you are trying to make yourselves look better than me
by using my disgrace as an argument against me,
6 then I want you to know that God has wronged me
and surrounded me with his net.
7 Indeed, I cry, ‘Help! I'm being attacked!' but I get no response.
I call for help, but there is no justice.
Job 19:1-7 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job experienced great disappointment with his three friends during his lowest moment in life. He received accusations after accusations that he felt God is punishing him.

Similarly, we may also find ourselves in great sorrows and all our friends deserted us. I felt that way before too. In adversity we know who are our true friends. I believe that God will ultimately be my defender and rescuer from all accusations.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for being with me through thick and thin. When my closed ones deserted me, You were still there with me. I praise You Lord!
I pray that You will guide me in my transitions in life and help me go through each season with courage.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Job 18 - Theoretical Knowledge Kills

21 This is what happens to the homes of wicked people
and to those who do not know God.”
Job 18:21 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Bildad, again spoke many things in a theoretical manner to Job. Such knowledge is nothing new to Job.

Dear Lord,
Let me not just use my head but also use my heart when I deal with people. Let my words be seasoned with salt when I open my mouth to speak.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Job 16 & 17 - God Is Still In Control

1 “My spirit is broken.
My days have been snuffed out.
The cemetery {is waiting} for me.
2 Certainly, mockers are around me.
My eyes are focused on their opposition.
3 Please guarantee my bail yourself.
Who else will guarantee it with a handshake?
4 You have closed their minds so that they cannot understand.
That is why you will not honor them.
Job 17:1-4 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Even as Job answered his friends accusations, he still knew that God was in control of his life. He was the only one who could 'bail' Job out of his miseries.

Yes, we need to always come back to acknowledge God's sovereignty in our life, and that He will always make all things workout together for good to us who love Him and are called to His purpose.

Dear God,
Thank You for this reminder that You are always in control of all the things that happen in my life, be it work, relationship or events. Thank You for all keeping me.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Job 15 - Does God Need A Defender?

12 Why have your emotions carried you away?
Why do your eyes flash
13 when you turn against God
and spit these words out of your mouth?
Job 15:12-13 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Job's friend, Eliphaz 'defended' God by accusing Job for sining against God when he opened his heart and told God how he felt. What is worse than for a friend to add salt to our wound. We need to refrain from doing this ourselves too.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for showing how hurtful it can be if instead of consoling, we accuse the one who is in distress. I pray that You will give me compassion and love instead.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Job 14 - Frailty of Man

1 “A person who is born of a woman is short-lived
and is full of trouble.
2 He comes up like a flower; then he withers.
He is like a fleeting shadow; he doesn't stay long.
Job 14 - Frailty of Man

Reflection of B:

Job acknowledged the frailty of life and pleaded with God to let him die instead of suffering. Aren't we also tend to feel this way when our sufferings are too unbearable, both physically and emotionally (accused by friends or people close to us)?

Dear Lord,
Sometimes I also thought like Job thought when what I went through were too heavy for me. Yet You have always let me take on Your yoke and gave me rest. Praise You Lord.
In Your holy name I pray. Amen.

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Job 12 and Job 13 - Boldness With God

5 “A person who has an easy life has no appreciation for misfortune.
He thinks it is the fate of those who slip up.
Job 12:5 (GW)

3 However, I want to speak to the Almighty,
and I wish to argue my case in front of God.
Job 13:3 (GW)

23 How many crimes and sins have I committed?
Make me aware of my disobedience and my sin.
Job 13:23 (GW)

Reflection of B:

When we are too comfortable and have not gone through suffering we may not be able to empathize with the sufferings of others, just like the friends of Job.

Job was truthful and bold with God and dared to argue with God in a sensible manner. This showed he knew his God better than his 3 friends who accused him.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for the example of Job, where we can always be truthful with You on how we feel. We can't hide away from You anyway. Therefore, You know the things that have gone through my mind and how I feel about certain things and people. I pray that I will stay strong and be in Your will all the time. Grant me wisdom in my work and teach me how to deal with people I come in contact with in my life.
In Jesus' name I humbly plead. Amen.

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Job 11 - Another Accuser

14 If you're holding on to sin, put it far away,
and don't let injustice live in your tent.
15 Then you will be able to show your face without being ashamed,
and you will be secure and unafraid.
Job 11:14-15 (GW)

Reflection of B:

Indeed, Job, would not expect his third friend, Zophar, to also join in to accuse him of sinning against God and reprimanded him for complaining to God.

I also have had such experience before, whereby people close to me could not understand me nor my sufferings and could only use scripture to 'fire' me.

On reflection, we need to learn to be more understanding and not be quick to judge anyone.

Dear Lord,
Forgive me if I may have been quick to judge anyone or accuse them wrongly, thinking I am right. Help me to speak words of encouragement and show love for those in distress instead.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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